Farewell to an esteemed Ausmed content partner, NPS MedicineWise!
Last Updated: 14 December 2022
Ausmed was created to provide high-quality healthcare education to the Australian healthcare community. In pursuing this mission, we’ve partnered with countless educators, professionals and organisations with the hope of providing high-quality resources that can produce high-quality care.
Unfortunately, the Australian healthcare community will be saying goodbye to a long-standing education provider: NPS MedicineWise.
'It is very sad to know that one of my favourite Ausmed content partner is leaving. I am so greatful for NPS MedicineWise for the amazing education, I learnt a lot and benefited from it.
It wont be the same without NPS in my document/dashboard as part of my CPD. Once again, THANK YOU so much.' - Julieta, Ausmed user
Who is NPS MedicineWise?
Founded in 1998, NPS MedicineWise has been a bastion of leadership, education and resources regarding Australia’s use of medicines and medicine safety.
'I will be sorry to see NPS Medicine Wise go as we have used them in our mandatory training at work. Thank you for all the effort they have put in for all health care providers and professionals.' - Michelle
For the past 24 years, NPS MedicineWise’s influence has been massive: the organisation’s programs and resources reached all Australian GPs and over a third of Australian residential aged care workers.
Since 2018, Ausmed has counted NPS MedicineWise as an essential content partner. Thousands of Ausmed users have accessed, completed and recorded educational content made by NPS MedicineWise every single year, and have no doubt appreciated this help to reach their CPD goals.
'I would like to thank all of the NPS Medicine Wise Team for all their wonderful mentoring and education. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning and putting it to my practice.' - Kylie, Ausmed user
Unfortunately, the NPS MedicineWise Board has decided that operations will cease on 1 January 2023.
NPS MedicineWise received funding from the Federal Government, mainly to produce Quality Use of Medicines activities. As of 1 January 2023, this funding will be transferred either to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care or to new contestable funding arrangements.
To read more about the details of NPS MedicineWise’s closure, follow this link to the press release: NPS MedicineWise Press Release.
A collection of appreciation from Ausmed users
NPS MedicineWise has continuously provided high-quality education to a huge portion of the Australian healthcare industry, including thousands of Ausmed users.
Though devastated at the loss of one of their valued content partners and education providers, many Ausmed users reached out with notes of appreciation and gratitude for the NPS MedicineWise team.
'NPS Medicinewise document was very valuable for me throughout completing my endorsement for scheduled medicines to use in my private Podiatry practice.' - Nick
'I just wanted to say thank you to NPS medicine wise for their service. It was always informative and very helpful to me when I was studying and practicing. It is sad to see them go. They will be missed.' - Janet
'I personally regarded your educational content highly. Thank you for the knowledge that I got from your articles. You will be missed greatly.' - Phillipa
'I completed some of the training modules offered by NPS MedicineWise as a graduate nurse over 10 years ago. The format of the modules suited my learning style with in depth content which I still recall and apply. It is with sadness that I hear that this will no longer be available to my healthcare colleagues. I would like to thank each and every person who contributed to the creation and maintenance of this quality educational resource.' - Christine
'I am really disappointed about losing NPS MedicineWise: it’s a wonderful resource for professionals and consumers. I have been a regular user of the content and often provide information from the site for my patients.' - Andre
'I have looked at their education content & I’ve found it to be useful, easy to use & a quality resource that is relevant to all nurses. I have appreciated access to their content. Please pass on my thanks.' - Letitia
'What a shame they have been wonderful supporting nurses with CPD points!' - Leanne