This Bloodsafe eLearning Australia course will help you identify and apply the principles of blood management to a patient with critical bleeding.
It is designed for medical practitioners, nurses and midwives, transfusion laboratory staff and other healthcare workers involved in critical bleeding situations.
On completion of this course you will be able to:
It is designed for medical practitioners, nurses and midwives, transfusion laboratory staff and other healthcare workers involved in critical bleeding situations.
On completion of this course you will be able to:
- define critical bleeding and describe haemorrhagic shock and coagulopathy
- identify critical bleeding and recognise physiological variations
- discuss appropriate investigations, fluid resuscitation, blood component support and other therapies to manage critical bleeding
- explain the purpose, criteria and role of staff involved in a Massive Transfusion Protocol
Enquire about this resource on Bloodsafe eLearning Australia