Medicines in Pregnancy

1h 16m
Updated 19 Dec 2024 Certificate

This Ausmed Course outlines key pharmacological considerations and provides a risk-versus-benefit approach when dispensing or medication counselling in pregnancy.

What you'll learn:


Improved knowledge of maternal and fetal physiological changes and how drugs impact foetal development.


Ability to educate patients about key nutrient requirements pre-conception and antenatally.


Describe an approach to managing medication in pregnancy for pregnancy-associated, pre-existing or episodic conditions.


Able to perform a risk-versus-benefit assessment when medication counselling in pregnancy.

Who it's for:

Pharmacists and other healthcare professionals who are involved in the prescribing, dispensing and administration of medication to people who are pregnant.

Why it's needed:

For pharmacists and other healthcare professionals to assist in ensuring the safe use of medicines in pregnancy, a strong understanding of the risks-versus-benefits of medicines is required.

Pharmacists and healthcare professionals are also required to have a strong foundational knowledge of maternal and fetal physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. This knowledge can lead to reduced adverse patient outcomes as well as aid in beneficial outcomes for patients.


The purpose of this Ausmed Course is to provide healthcare professionals with up-to-date evidence-based knowledge on medicines used in pregnancy, andto develop the confidence and competency of pharmacists handling requests or prescriptions for medications in pregnancy.


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