High-Risk Medicines

1h 25m
Updated 05 Oct 2023 Certificate ANCC Accredited

Do you regularly prescribe or administer medicines? If so, you must continually be on high alert for potential or actual medicine interactions. Start this Ausmed Course now to review why drug interactions occur, especially those involving high-risk medicines and how we can prevent them.

What you'll learn:


Use in-depth knowledge of the difference between pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug interactions to support best-practice and reduce the likelihood of unwanted effects from medicines.


A person in your care, who manifests signs and symptoms of an adverse drug reaction due to a drug interaction will be rapidly identified, assessed and appropriate treatment initiated.


People in your care will receive correct evidence-based education about the purpose of their pharmacological treatment and risks associated with certain medicines.

Who it's for:

Registered nurses and other healthcare professionals will gain confidence from undertaking this course, given the potential for harm associated with medicines.

Why it's needed:

Harm to patients from medicines remains an ever-present risk. Approximately 250,000 Australians are admitted to hospital each year as a result of medicine-related problems.

Untoward effects relating to medications are a sentinel event. As healthcare professionals are at the forefront of prescribing and administration they need to be eternally vigilant in their practice to stop unnecessary and preventable medicine interactions. Ongoing education about high-risk medicines and common pitfalls is essential for all health professionals.


The purpose of this Ausmed Course is to draw the attention of registered nurses and other health professionals to regular medicines that are high-risk for interactions and prevent harm to patients.


For Teams
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