Ethics at the Bedside

Updated 20 Apr 2023 Certificate ANCC Accredited

Clinical ethics can be defined simply as the applied practice of ethical decision-making in the clinical setting. This Ausmed Course explores the fundamental clinical ethics components commonly present in contemporary healthcare.

What you'll learn:


Use knowledge of the origins and principles of the clinical ethics model to confidently perform your unique role as a clinical nurse in the ethical decision-making process


Recognise and navigate common sources of ethical conflict in healthcare settings to promote best outcomes for patients


Encourage patient participation in clinical ethics decision-making as necessary, by applying clinical ethics competence awareness and advocacy skills.

Who it's for:

This Ausmed Course is designed for all clinical nurses working in any hospital or community setting.

Why it's needed:

All of us who work in healthcare will be confronted by a wide range of ethical dilemmas during the course of our day-to-day work. There is a need to make rapid decisions, yet this can be complicated by high workloads, complex systems and human factors.

There is an ever-present need to access education that supports clinicians to build ethical competence and advocacy skills in order to not only participate in clinical ethics decision-making, but also to confidently initiate clinical ethics processes when necessary.


The purpose of this Ausmed Course is to empower the clinical nurse to actively contribute to ethical decision-making in all healthcare settings.


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