Incident reporting is the responsibility of all staff working in healthcare facilities.
Knowing how to fill out an incident report is necessary knowledge for any professional. An incident report should be completed immediately after an incident has occurred and appropriate corrective action followed.
Incident reports are integral to a functional healthcare system that is committed to ongoing improvement and transparency.
The following is intended as a general guide to filling out an incident report. Your organisation may have certain criteria involved in completing an incident report, and it is advised that you make yourself aware of the appropriate policies specific to your facility.
Incident reporting relates to the following Australian healthcare standards:
NDIS Practice Standards - Core Module 2. Provider Governance and Operational Management - Incident Management and Verification Module - Incident Management.
What is an Incident?
An incident is anything that happens out of the ordinary in a facility - specifically, unplanned events or situations that result in, or have the potential to result in, injury, ill health, damage or loss (WorkSafe Tasmania 2022).
Examples of an Incident in Healthcare:
An aged care resident slips and falls on their way to the bathroom.
A patient is accidentally dispensed a medication prescribed for another person.
Types of Incidents
Clinical Incidents
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (2021) defines a clinical incident as ‘an event or circumstance that resulted, or could have resulted, in’:
Unintended or unnecessary harm to a patient or consumer
A complaint, loss or damage, and/or
A near miss.
This may include an omission of care that would have likely benefited the patient or consumer (ACSQHC 2021).
Clinical incidents could involve:
Communication-related incidents
Diagnosis-related incidents
Falls and other injuries
Medication errors
Treatment issues
Healthcare-associated infection
Privacy breaches.
(Hooiveld 2024; Australian Digital Health Agency 2024)
Sentinel Events
Sentinel events are a subtype of clinical incidents that are considered the most serious incidents. They are entirely preventable incidents that result in serious harm to or death of a patient (ACSQHC 2020).
There are 10 nationally recognised sentinel events in Australia. They are:
Surgery or other invasive procedure performed on the wrong site resulting in serious harm or death
Surgery or other invasive procedure performed on the wrong patient resulting in serious harm or death
Wrong surgical or other invasive procedure performed on a patient resulting in serious harm or death
Unintended retention of a foreign object in a patient after surgery or other invasive procedure resulting in serious harm or death
Haemolytic blood transfusion reaction resulting from ABO incompatibility resulting in serious harm or death
Suspected suicide of a patient within an acute psychiatric/unit or acute psychiatric ward
Medication error resulting in serious harm or death
Use of physical or mechanical restraint resulting in serious harm or death
Discharge or release of a child to an unauthorised person
Use of an incorrectly positioned oro- or naso-gastric tube resulting in serious harm or death.
(ACSQHC 2020)
Non-clinical Incidents
Non-clinical incidents could involve:
Hazards being identified
Injury to a staff member
Injury to students or visitors
Professional misconduct
Property issues
Security issues or breaches
Vehicle accidents.
(Benalla Health 2011)
Take into consideration the above examples as well as other issues as outlined by your organisation.
What are Your Responsibilities?
Sentinel Events
Healthcare services must report all sentinel events that occur via their state or territory’s incident reporting system (ACSQHC 2024).
Additionally, Action 2.5.3 requires providers to support older people and their families and carers to report incidents (ACQSC 2024).
Providers should have processes in place outlining the following:
Who is responsible for reporting incidents
How an incident should be documented
The required amount of detail for incident reports
How to submit incident reports
When to submit incident reports.
(ACQSC 2024)
The Serious Incident Response Scheme
Under the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) introduced in 2021, aged care providers are required to report eight types of incidents to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission:
Unreasonable use of force
Unlawful sexual contact or inappropriate sexual conduct
Once the situation has been made safe, the incident must be documented and reported (ACSQHC 2021).
How to Write An Incident Report
An incident report requires questions relevant to who, what, when, where, how and why to be completed (Safe Work Australia 2015).
The name and contact details of the person reporting the incident
The name and details of the person(s) affected.
What occurred
Type of incident (e.g. death, serious injury, illness)
In-depth description of the incident
What initial actions did you take?
Incident severity rating.
When did the incident occur? (date and time).
Where did the incident occur?
How and why
How and why did the incident occur?
What were the contributing factors (i.e. events surrounding the incident)?
(Safe Work Australia 2015; Health.vic 2011)
Considerations for Completing a Report
Use concise, objective language (void of opinion)
Be as specific as possible
Write what was witnessed and avoid assigning blame or making assumptions about what occurred
Avoid abbreviations
De-identify information where appropriate
Report the incident within the required timeline (refer to relevant legislation and standards and your organisation's policies and procedures).
(ACSQHC 2021; Health.vic 2011)
Who can Submit an Incident Report?
Any staff member who witnesses an incident has the responsibility to report it. Visitors, community members, students, contractors, patients/clients/residents and volunteers may also witness incidents and will need to communicate this to the nominated person within the organisation they are in.
Local policies and procedures will guide who makes the actual written submission using your organisation’s risk management tool or software.
Is There a Broader Purpose for an Incident Report?
An incident report not only has the potential to shed light on a particular incident but may reveal room for improvement in systems, procedures and environments.
Test Your Knowledge
Question 1 of 3
True or false: Sentinel events are considered the most serious incidents.