Self-Care: Stress and Resilience

Updated 19 Feb 2024 Certificate

Healthcare work can routinely expose us to traumatic and stressful experiences. This Ausmed Self-Care Training Module encourages you to reflect on the nature of your work as a stressor and things you can do to build your personal resilience.

What you'll learn:


Reflect on the state of your own health and wellbeing and consider its importance to your personal and professional life.


Better understand stress and resilience; what it is, how it impacts your body and what changes you can make to better manage stress in your personal and professional life.


Consider the importance of a positive workplace culture and its contribution to employee resilience.


The primary purpose of Ausmed's Self-Care Training Modules is for your personal development and wellbeing, rather than the purpose of CPD. They may qualify as CPD if the content meets an identified professional learning need for you.


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