Falls Management in Acute Settings

1h 14m
Updated 16 Sep 2024 Certificate ANCC Accredited

Falls in Australian hospitals pose significant risks, often resulting in serious injuries such as fractures or intracranial damage. Many of these falls are unwitnessed and occur in patient bedrooms. Research shows that patients frequently underestimate their risk of falling and lack confidence in their ability to prevent falls.

Through this Ausmed Course, healthcare professionals can improve their knowledge and the understanding necessary to effectively prevent, assess, and manage falls in acute settings, in order to enhance patient safety, minimise falls-related injuries, and improve healthcare outcomes.

What you'll learn:


Identify and evaluate common falls risk factors in acute healthcare settings.


Confidently conduct a thorough falls risk assessment using evidence-based tools.


Develop and implement comprehensive and individualised care plans that incorporate patient education and engagement in falls prevention.


Understand effective preventative strategies, including environmental modifications, patient education and multidisciplinary collaboration.


Apply prompt and appropriate management of a falls incident according to best practices.

Who it's for:

This Ausmed Course is intended for nurses and other healthcare professionals working in inpatient settings who are looking to increase their knowledge and improve their practice surrounding falls management.

Why it's needed:

Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in falls prevention and management, requiring specialised knowledge and skills.

It is essential to understand the complex and multifaceted aspects of falls prevention, risk assessment, early intervention, multidisciplinary collaboration and patient-centered care.


To improve healthcare professionals’ knowledge and understanding necessary to effectively prevent, assess and manage falls in acute settings, in order to enhance patient safety, minimise falls-related injuries and improve healthcare outcomes.


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